While the old advertising slogan told people to “say it with flowers” as temperatures soar across South Yorkshire people have instead been saying it with ice cream. In Doncaster one woman paid for 80 ice creams to thank NHS staff working “so hard in unprecedented conditions”. While in Sheffield a family have been giving out free lollies since Sunday.
Mark Tuckett said he hoped the gesture would “make everybody feel a little bit cooler and a little bit happier.”
Louise Allardyce, who has given birth to three babies at Doncaster Royal Infirmary, said she “just wanted to give a little bit back”.
“I just thought it was a nice thing to do,” she said.
Ms Allardyce, who lives in Doncaster, said she came up with the idea to pay for the ice creams “over a bottle of wine with a friend on Sunday night”.
“Staff at the hospital have looked after my family so well over the years,” she said.
“My eldest son Luke was born at the hospital in 2002, Harry in 2004 and my daughter Alex in 2009. Alex was born prematurely at 27 weeks and was in hospital for three months. The staff were amazing.”
Staff commented on Facebook saying the gesture “went down a treat” and Ms Allardyce said her inbox had been full with people saying well done. Elsewhere in South Yorkshire, Mark and Lou Tuckett’s mini freezer emblazoned with a sign reading “Free Ice lollies! Please help yourself” and stocked with more has 250 lollies has been raising a smile.
Mr Tuckett said: “We saw how hot it was going to be so it was just something to make everybody feel a little bit cooler and a little bit happier
“It’s been a tough couple of years and we knew it was going to be hot so we said what can we do as a family to help people and make them smile.
“We’ve had kids and all sorts taking them. People have been really grateful. Some people have given us some money so we will give that to charity.”
Staff at Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust who were working the weekend, Monday or Tuesday have also been given free ice creams or lollies. The Trust said it arranged for local ice cream vans to visit a number of sites across the city including Sheffield Children’s Hospital, The Ryegate Centre, The Becton Centre for Children and Young People and Centenary House. They said staff working at their smaller sites could buy their own cold treats and would be able to claim back the cost. Nick Parker, director of people and organisational development at Sheffield Children’s Hospital, said: “We know that working in this weather isn’t easy.
“It’s been really lovely to hear about people visiting the vans with smiles on their faces and how people have enjoyed their ice cream breaks. We’re so grateful for everything our colleagues do, they’re always going the extra mile even in this extreme heat and this is just one small way of saying thank you.”